Ones (1) and Zeros (0) is the foundation of computer language known as BINARY.

How binary works:
The binary number system (aka base 2) represents values using two symbols, typically 0 and 1.
Computers call these bits. A bit is either off (0) or on (1). When arranged in sets of 8 bits (1 byte) 256 values can be represented (0-255).
Using an ASCII chart, these values can be mapped to characters and text can be stored.
FMP: Ones and Zeros (Digital Nature)
An example of how strings of 1 and 0 create letters and spell out WIKIPEDIA
Using the binary translator, this quote from Neil Gaiman's book "Neverwhere" from the usual Roman letters or ASCII is converted to binary with each letter represented by a unique string of 8 symbols of 1s and 0s.
Morse code is a signalling method that uses a combination of long and short on-off tones or sounds, clicks, flashes of light or electrical pulses.
Here are some other languages similar to Binary: Morse Code and Braille.
Braille is a tactile writing system used by the blind and the visually impaired.

It consists of patterns of embossed dots arranged in cells of up to six dots in a 3 x 2 configuration. Each cell represents a letter, numeral or punctuation mark. Some frequently used words and letter combinations also have their own single cell patterns.
Click for: Morse code translator
Here is an arduino-based morse code translator using light pulses.
Click for: Braille translator