Forking Pathways ; Narrative
"The endless days gone by"

I created a non-linear narrative using different photos I have taken and remixed it with some lyrics of songs and quotes.

The user can click around or scroll around the page as each image is linked together but all in one browser page.
Images that have obvious relations to each other are clustered together but when an image is clicked, another image will show from a different cluster that still has a relation to each other though not very obvious. The user is able to interpret there own storyline.
< Similarly to what we did in the workshop I created a diagram to show which images link to one another.

Then added an 'anchor' link to the image >
< I first chose random images from my own photo library

then clustered the ones with some relationship with each other >
< My sister was playing some music and I tried to match some of the lines of the song ('Someone Like You'- Adele) to the image to make the images a bit more cohesive and have its own story line of sort.
"Lost My Glasses"

This is my page for the story we did during the workshop. Their are 3 possible pathways, one which links back to the previous page of the story, one that moves the story forward, and one from another group with a totally different story, but one in relation to my imagery.

By interlinking our class's pages, each user can create their own unique narrative